Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Mediums And New inspirations

So lately I've been lurking around on gaia online. If you've ever been on there you know it's a huge asian / anime community. So I decided to try my hand at Avie Art. Which is basically that you draw someone's avatar. I tried it with using just illustrator, that didn't work so well so then I tried it in sequence with drawing the characters. That turned out much better.

I'm really trying to get a friendly place for artists wether I own it or join it, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I get to help. Well I haven't really found anything pre-made so I'm starting one. I still have mannequin MB that I am trying to get up and running. And maybe I can get the two to work together. Maybe. We'll see.

So I drew another really cute vector idea. This one is really cute and hopefully it works out.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Strawberry and Root Beer

My newest Deviant submission is in the form of a smiling happy Root Beer Float. I hope it is taken well since I submitted it to a group and not just to my own personal gallery. Then again I am not the only one submitting either. I hope it makes people a little more excited about my work.

Strawberry and Root Beer Float by ~starshinesky on deviantART

I also decided that I'm destined to make stickers for the rest of my life. :( I'm serious! It's wonderful but horrible.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello Friday

So I haven't really dragged myself out of bed yet. I went to bed at 2am because it was either that or pull an all-nighter for an 8:15 class. That didn't really sound like a smart idea since I have art history then. Regardless, I came out of class and as told I would I passed out immediately. I the proceeded to sleep until 3pm and realized my life today will just be a sleep fest and that's all I've been doing.

I also dread Monday I have a Classroom in a Book do for my Indesign class and some homework for chemistry. This is not exciting and I crave a ridiculous amount of poptarts even though I'm not hungry at all I'm a complete and utter dork.

The one thing I did do is I did do some more sketches and now I'm going to take pictures with photobooth because I'm a Mac not a PC and I really have no reason to go to the computer lab in 27 degree weather. Maybe if there were cute boys involved but not now. Hehe. I shall experiment with these ones but I really want them good so they better be really good or else I'll hurt myself. Not really but it will be a sour taste in my mouth.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Arts & Crafts Movement.

So upon finding out my ubber topic I decide to call my father and tell him all about my more than exciting project. Of course having his PHD in history he crushed my dreams just a little bit. Not enough that I'm actually effected just enough for me to say, "So I guess it's not playing with glitter." And we all know just how much I love glitter. So instead of writing a 2 page paper on something fun like Applied Arts and the whole mentality of designing that sort of thing I get to write a 2 page research paper on Stickily chairs and furniture. The whole thing is actually pretty cool, it's just not actually my thing. Wow what a ridiculous sentence. Yes, I know it just gets worse and worse.

Oh! So I decided I'm going to get a Deviantart Subscription. But of course, being the paranoid freak my mother trained me to be; I'm going to buy a Visa or TD or a whatever gift-card at Wawa or Rite Aid. That way I don't have to worry about it. Yay!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hello there!

I have some new posts that I would like to show you.

The first is a lovely Piece of photography I took at my grandparents. This is using a Telephoto Close up lens.

Turn Dial by ~starshinesky on deviantART

The next is a bit of experimental artwork I did. All done by experimenting with gradients, color and memory.

Sweet Sherbet by ~starshinesky on deviantART

Thanks for looking. I think I'm going to try drawing things and seeing what happens. I mean I suck at drawing (let's be honest). But maybe if I can draw something and then outline it with ink and scan it and make it into something pretty I probably can! Yay!

So, I'm doing this project for Computer Publication about Arts and Crafts. It's funny, I literally giggled. Everyone picked something that went along with their own personalities. I like the idea of arts and crafts and tying it into graphic design, that's what I want to do with myself and my Career. So Props to myself for picking it. I'm going to rock this college I really am!