Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have been through hell and back with this damn cold. I have gotten nothing done for school or for play and on both occasions I find it more than annoying. I have not been sleeping or drawing or playing or anything lately. It's quite depressing. To be honest I have no idea where all my time has gone. All I know is that it is not going towards making pretty things or doing school work. I skipped classes within the past week. I thought I would go to he gym every day but that is a failure and a half since coughing up phlegm and running are a totally perfect combination I promise.

I'm submitting a lot of my pieces to different clubs on DA and that's not working out entirely well but it's the idea that counts. I'm also working on making myself the perfect layout for Gaia and that is not working out very well either. Like I said, with no motivation to do anything but sleep... I'm on a ball for letting shit hit the fan... Although, Thankfully, my doctor called in a prescription today :)

1 comment:

  1. Awwwm sucks that you're sick - hope you feel better soon x
